Plot: The first interactive role playing game (“LIRPG” - Live interactive-role playing-game) in Greece and Europe is here. Room 54 proudly presents its first game: The Almost Saint. You are a fearless detective, a noble nun or an eccentric professor? Pick one out of the six pre-constucted characters of the game, get in the rooms with your friends and live a unique experience.
Company: Room 54
Address: Ioannou Filimonos 6, Athens (Close to Mavili Square)
Group of 3 - 20€/person
Group of 4 - 17€/person
Group of 5 - 15€/person
Group of 6 - 13€/person
Duration:120 Minutes
Note:LIRPG = Live Interactive Role Playing Game
Room 54 imports a new concept, in the well known, escape rooms with the term LIRPG. In LIRPG escape rooms - horror, action, sci-fi, mystery and more stories are taking place in which the players are impersonating one out of the pre-constucted characters, interact with the enviroment around them, communicate with characters outside of their team (NPC - Non playing Characters), in one word , they LIVE a cinematic experience.