March 14, 2015
This is the begining of the end. The conclusion of manhood. Whatever we were able to destroy, we destroyed it. Now we'll pay the price. Apocalypse has started.
March 29, 2015
Everyone has gone mad. I was able to survive the last minute from my own family. One bite, and i would become one of them. There is no sign of sense in their eyes. Whoever got infected, stopped being human. They're monsters now. The only thing i care about is surviving. Everything else seems luxurious.
April 3, 2015
I came across a team of survivors. They took me with them. "The more, the better". I Wish.
June 1, 2015
Looking out for supplies at the mall, we came across a radio. Weirdly enough it was still operational. We tried to communicate by searching all the frequencies without any success. We gave up when an horde of living dead attacked.
June 11, 2015
We woke up scared by a noise. We believed that the end was near. The noise was coming from the radio. Someone was trying to communicate with us! Someone was still alive.
"We are infected. Our only hope is the antidote. If there is one, then it must be at the premises of the pharmaceutical company Romero AG., in room 03. It was there that they were trying to develop a formula. Go there as fast as you can. But remember.... stay quiet."
Address:Dionysou 15 & Ermou, Maroussi
Group of 2 - 15€/person
Group of 3 - 13€/person
Group of 4 - 12€/person
Group of 5 - 11€/person